Provisional consensus on the nomenclature and operational definition of dementia at a young age, a Delphi study

Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2022 Mar;37(3):10.1002/gps.5691. doi: 10.1002/gps.5691.


Objectives: Dementia at a young age differs from late onset dementia in pathology and care needs. This requires further research to improve the understanding of this group, support and service provision. Aim of current study is to reach consensus on the terminology and operational definition (i.e., age-related criteria and possible causes) of dementia at a young age, to aid further research.

Methods: A classical Delphi technique was used to transform opinions into group consensus by using an online survey. In three rounds statements regarding (1) terminology, (2) age-related criteria, and (3) aetiologies that can be considered as causes of dementia at a young age were sent to international experts in the field to give their opinions and additional comments on the statements.

Results: Forty-four experts responded and full consensus was reached on 22 out of 35 statements. Young-onset dementia emerged as the term of preference. Provisional consensus was found for the use of age 65 at symptom onset as preferred cut-off age. Consensus was reached on the inclusion of 15 out of 22 aetiologies and categories of aetiologies as potential cause for dementia at a young age.

Conclusions: A clear term and operational definition have been reached. Although beneficial for conducting future research to gain more insight in pathology and care needs of young people living with dementia, still consensus about some details is lacking. To reach consensus about these details and implications for use in research and clinical practice, the organisation of an in person consensus meeting is advised.

Keywords: Delphi; operational definition; terminology; young‐onset dementia.