Improved Root Growth by Liming Aluminum-Sensitive Rice Cultivar or Cultivating an Aluminum-Tolerant One Does Not Enhance Fertilizer Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency in an Acid Paddy Soil

Plants (Basel). 2020 Jun 19;9(6):765. doi: 10.3390/plants9060765.


The root is the main site of nitrogen (N) acquisition and aluminum (Al) toxicity. The objective of this study is to investigate whether liming and cultivation of an Al-tolerant rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar can improve root growth, thereby increasing N acquisition by rice plants in acid paddy soil. Two rice cultivars ('B690', Al-sensitive, and 'Yugeng5', Al-tolerant) were cultivated with 15N-labeled urea, and with or without lime in an acid paddy soil (pH 4.9) in pots. We examined root and shoot growth, soil pH, soil exchangeable Al, N uptake, 15N distribution in plant-soil system, and fertilizer N recovery efficiency. Results showed that liming improved the root growth of 'B690' by decreasing soil exchangeable Al concentrations, in both N-limited and N-fertilized soils. Liming enhanced the N uptake of 'B690' only in the absence of N fertilizer. The root weight of 'Yugeng5' was greater than that of 'B690' without lime, but the two cultivars showed similar N uptake. The fertilizer N recovery efficiency and N loss did not differ significantly between limed and non-limed conditions, or between the two rice cultivars. Thus, liming an Al-sensitive rice cultivar and cultivating an Al-tolerant one improves root growth, but does not enhance fertilizer N recovery efficiency in the present acid paddy soil.

Keywords: aluminum toxicity; fertilizer nitrogen recovery efficiency; lime; nitrogen uptake; rice; root.