Impact of the environment on the health: From theory to practice.
Carducci AL, Agodi A, Ancona C, Angelini P, Bagordo F, Barbone F, Birbaum L, Carreri V, Casuccio A, Conti A, Conversano M, De Donno A, De Giglio O, Desiante F, Di Pietro A, Dogliotti E, Donato F, Fara GM, Fiore M, Forastiere F, Giammanco G, Izzotti A, Montagna MT, Oliveri Conti G, Petronio MG, Sciacca S, Signorelli C, Testai E, Verani M, Vinceti M, Vitale F, Ferrante M; Attendees* (in alphabetical order) to the 56th Erice Course “Evaluation of the impact on environment and health: from theory to practice” and Contributors to the discussion and preparations of The Erice 56 Charter.; Adani G, Berghella L, Calia C, Calzolari R, Canale A, Castiglione D, Conti A, Copat C, Cristaldi A, Cuffari G, Coronel Vargas G, De Vita E, De Nard F, Federigi I, Filippini T, Grasso A, Leonardi N, Letzgus M, Lo Bianco G, Mazzucco W, Nicolosi I, Orlandi P, Paladino G, Pizzo S, Pousis C, Raffo M, Rivolta S, Scarpitta F, Trani G, Triggiano F, Tumbarello A, Vecchio V, Zuccarello P, Vassallo M.
Carducci AL, et al. Among authors: fara gm.
Environ Res. 2021 Mar;194:110517. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110517. Epub 2020 Dec 1.
Environ Res. 2021.
PMID: 33271142