Optimal timing of anticoagulation after acute ischaemic stroke with atrial fibrillation (OPTIMAS): a multicentre, blinded-endpoint, phase 4, randomised controlled trial.
Werring DJ, Dehbi HM, Ahmed N, Arram L, Best JG, Balogun M, Bennett K, Bordea E, Caverly E, Chau M, Cohen H, Cullen M, Doré CJ, Engelter ST, Fenner R, Ford GA, Gill A, Hunter R, James M, Jayanthi A, Lip GYH, Massingham S, Murray ML, Mazurczak I, Nash PS, Ndoutoumou A, Norrving B, Sims H, Sprigg N, Vanniyasingam T, Freemantle N; OPTIMAS investigators.
Werring DJ, et al. Among authors: dehbi hm.
Lancet. 2024 Oct 23:S0140-6736(24)02197-4. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)02197-4. Online ahead of print.
Lancet. 2024.
PMID: 39491870
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