2022 White Paper on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis: FDA Draft Guidance on Immunogenicity Information in Prescription Drug Labeling, LNP & Viral Vectors Therapeutics/Vaccines Immunogenicity, Prolongation Effect, ADA Affinity, Risk-based Approaches, NGS, qPCR, ddPCR Assays (Part 3 - Recommendations on Gene Therapy, Cell Therapy, Vaccines Immunogenicity & Technologies; Immunogenicity & Risk Assessment of Biotherapeutics and Novel Modalities; NAb Assays Integrated Approach).
Pan L, Mora J, Walravens K, Wagner L, Hopper S, Loo L, Bettoun D, Bond S, Dessy F, Downing S, Garofolo F, Gupta S, Henderson N, Irwin C, Ishii-Watabe A, Kar S, Jawa V, Joseph J, Malvaux L, Marshall JC, McDevitt J, Mohapatra S, Seitzer J, Smith J, Solstad T, Sugimoto H, Tounekti O, Wu B, Wu Y, Xu Y, Xu J, Yamamoto T, Yang L, Torri A, Kirshner S, Maxfield K, Vasconcelos JP, Abhari MR, Verthelyi D, Brodsky E, Carrasco-Triguero M, Kamerud J, Andisik M, Baltrukonis D, Bivi N, Cludts I, Coble K, Gorovits B, Gunn GR, Gupta S, Millner AH, Joyce A, Kubiak RJ, Kumar S, Liao K, Manangeeswaran M, Partridge M, Pine S, Poetzl J, Rajadhyaksha M, Rasamoelisolo M, Richards S, Song Y, Swanson S, Thacker S, Wadhwa M, Wolf A, Zhang L, Zhou L.
Pan L, et al. Among authors: wu y, wu b.
Bioanalysis. 2023 Jul;15(14):773-814. doi: 10.4155/bio-2023-0135. Epub 2023 Aug 1.
Bioanalysis. 2023.
PMID: 37526071