First Study of the ^{139}Ba(n,γ)^{140}Ba Reaction to Constrain the Conditions for the Astrophysical i Process.
Spyrou A, Mücher D, Denissenkov PA, Herwig F, Good EC, Balk G, Berg HC, Bleuel DL, Clark JA, Dembski C, DeYoung PA, Greaves B, Guttormsen M, Harris C, Larsen AC, Liddick SN, Lyons S, Markova M, Mogannam MJ, Nikas S, Owens-Fryar J, Palmisano-Kyle A, Perdikakis G, Pogliano F, Quintieri M, Richard AL, Santiago-Gonzalez D, Savard G, Smith MK, Sweet A, Tsantiri A, Wiedeking M.
Spyrou A, et al. Among authors: herwig f.
Phys Rev Lett. 2024 May 17;132(20):202701. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.202701.
Phys Rev Lett. 2024.
PMID: 38829093