Situational diagnosis of policies in Latin American and Caribbean countries for the use of fluoride and reduction of sugar consumption.
Paiva SM, Prado IM, Perazzo MF, Guarnizo-Herreño CC, Acevedo AM, Castillo JL, Abreu-Placeres N, Giacaman RA, Ricomini-Filho AP, Martignon S, Malheiros Z, Stewart B, Bönecker M.
Paiva SM, et al. Among authors: guarnizo herreno cc.
Braz Oral Res. 2023 Dec 1;37(suppl 1):e121. doi: 10.1590/1807-3107bor-2023.vol37.0121. eCollection 2023.
Braz Oral Res. 2023.
PMID: 38055572
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