Transcriptomic analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbon degradation by the halophilic fungus Aspergillus sydowii at hypersaline conditions.
Peidro-Guzmán H, Pérez-Llano Y, González-Abradelo D, Fernández-López MG, Dávila-Ramos S, Aranda E, Hernández DRO, García AO, Lira-Ruan V, Pliego OR, Santana MA, Schnabel D, Jiménez-Gómez I, Mouriño-Pérez RR, Aréchiga-Carvajal ET, Del Rayo Sánchez-Carbente M, Folch-Mallol JL, Sánchez-Reyes A, Vaidyanathan VK, Cabana H, Gunde-Cimerman N, Batista-García RA.
Peidro-Guzmán H, et al.
Environ Microbiol. 2021 Jul;23(7):3435-3459. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15166. Epub 2020 Aug 23.
Environ Microbiol. 2021.
PMID: 32666586