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Design of an inertial fusion experiment exceeding the Lawson criterion for ignition.
Kritcher AL, Zylstra AB, Callahan DA, Hurricane OA, Weber CR, Clark DS, Young CV, Ralph JE, Casey DT, Pak A, Landen OL, Bachmann B, Baker KL, Berzak Hopkins L, Bhandarkar SD, Biener J, Bionta RM, Birge NW, Braun T, Briggs TM, Celliers PM, Chen H, Choate C, Divol L, Döppner T, Fittinghoff D, Edwards MJ, Gatu Johnson M, Gharibyan N, Haan S, Hahn KD, Hartouni E, Hinkel DE, Ho DD, Hohenberger M, Holder JP, Huang H, Izumi N, Jeet J, Jones O, Kerr SM, Khan SF, Geppert Kleinrath H, Geppert Kleinrath V, Kong C, Lamb KM, Le Pape S, Lemos NC, Lindl JD, MacGowan BJ, Mackinnon AJ, MacPhee AG, Marley EV, Meaney K, Millot M, Moore AS, Newman K, Di Nicola JG, Nikroo A, Nora R, Patel PK, Rice NG, Rubery MS, Sater J, Schlossberg DJ, Sepke SM, Sequoia K, Shin SJ, Stadermann M, Stoupin S, Strozzi DJ, Thomas CA, Tommasini R, Trosseille C, Tubman ER, Volegov PL, Wild C, Woods DT, Yang ST. Kritcher AL, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev E. 2022 Aug;106(2-2):025201. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.025201. Phys Rev E. 2022. PMID: 36110025
Onset of hydrodynamic mix in high-velocity, highly compressed inertial confinement fusion implosions.
Ma T, Patel PK, Izumi N, Springer PT, Key MH, Atherton LJ, Benedetti LR, Bradley DK, Callahan DA, Celliers PM, Cerjan CJ, Clark DS, Dewald EL, Dixit SN, Döppner T, Edgell DH, Epstein R, Glenn S, Grim G, Haan SW, Hammel BA, Hicks D, Hsing WW, Jones OS, Khan SF, Kilkenny JD, Kline JL, Kyrala GA, Landen OL, Le Pape S, MacGowan BJ, Mackinnon AJ, MacPhee AG, Meezan NB, Moody JD, Pak A, Parham T, Park HS, Ralph JE, Regan SP, Remington BA, Robey HF, Ross JS, Spears BK, Smalyuk V, Suter LJ, Tommasini R, Town RP, Weber SV, Lindl JD, Edwards MJ, Glenzer SH, Moses EI. Ma T, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Aug 23;111(8):085004. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.085004. Epub 2013 Aug 23. Phys Rev Lett. 2013. PMID: 24010449
Performance of high-convergence, layered DT implosions with extended-duration pulses at the National Ignition Facility.
Smalyuk VA, Atherton LJ, Benedetti LR, Bionta R, Bleuel D, Bond E, Bradley DK, Caggiano J, Callahan DA, Casey DT, Celliers PM, Cerjan CJ, Clark D, Dewald EL, Dixit SN, Döppner T, Edgell DH, Edwards MJ, Frenje J, Gatu-Johnson M, Glebov VY, Glenn S, Glenzer SH, Grim G, Haan SW, Hammel BA, Hartouni EP, Hatarik R, Hatchett S, Hicks DG, Hsing WW, Izumi N, Jones OS, Key MH, Khan SF, Kilkenny JD, Kline JL, Knauer J, Kyrala GA, Landen OL, Le Pape S, Lindl JD, Ma T, MacGowan BJ, Mackinnon AJ, MacPhee AG, McNaney J, Meezan NB, Moody JD, Moore A, Moran M, Moses EI, Pak A, Parham T, Park HS, Patel PK, Petrasso R, Ralph JE, Regan SP, Remington BA, Robey HF, Ross JS, Spears BK, Springer PT, Suter LJ, Tommasini R, Town RP, Weber SV, Widmann K. Smalyuk VA, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Nov 22;111(21):215001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.215001. Epub 2013 Nov 19. Phys Rev Lett. 2013. PMID: 24313493
Observation of a reflected shock in an indirectly driven spherical implosion at the national ignition facility.
Le Pape S, Divol L, Berzak Hopkins L, Mackinnon A, Meezan NB, Casey D, Frenje J, Herrmann H, McNaney J, Ma T, Widmann K, Pak A, Grimm G, Knauer J, Petrasso R, Zylstra A, Rinderknecht H, Rosenberg M, Gatu-Johnson M, Kilkenny JD. Le Pape S, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2014 Jun 6;112(22):225002. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.225002. Epub 2014 Jun 4. Phys Rev Lett. 2014. PMID: 24949774
Thin shell, high velocity inertial confinement fusion implosions on the national ignition facility.
Ma T, Hurricane OA, Callahan DA, Barrios MA, Casey DT, Dewald EL, Dittrich TR, Döppner T, Haan SW, Hinkel DE, Berzak Hopkins LF, Le Pape S, MacPhee AG, Pak A, Park HS, Patel PK, Remington BA, Robey HF, Salmonson JD, Springer PT, Tommasini R, Benedetti LR, Bionta R, Bond E, Bradley DK, Caggiano J, Celliers P, Cerjan CJ, Church JA, Dixit S, Dylla-Spears R, Edgell D, Edwards MJ, Field J, Fittinghoff DN, Frenje JA, Gatu Johnson M, Grim G, Guler N, Hatarik R, Herrmann HW, Hsing WW, Izumi N, Jones OS, Khan SF, Kilkenny JD, Knauer J, Kohut T, Kozioziemski B, Kritcher A, Kyrala G, Landen OL, MacGowan BJ, Mackinnon AJ, Meezan NB, Merrill FE, Moody JD, Nagel SR, Nikroo A, Parham T, Ralph JE, Rosen MD, Rygg JR, Sater J, Sayre D, Schneider MB, Shaughnessy D, Spears BK, Town RP, Volegov PL, Wan A, Widmann K, Wilde CH, Yeamans C. Ma T, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Apr 10;114(14):145004. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.145004. Epub 2015 Apr 6. Phys Rev Lett. 2015. PMID: 25910132 Free article.
First high-convergence cryogenic implosion in a near-vacuum hohlraum.
Berzak Hopkins LF, Meezan NB, Le Pape S, Divol L, Mackinnon AJ, Ho DD, Hohenberger M, Jones OS, Kyrala G, Milovich JL, Pak A, Ralph JE, Ross JS, Benedetti LR, Biener J, Bionta R, Bond E, Bradley D, Caggiano J, Callahan D, Cerjan C, Church J, Clark D, Döppner T, Dylla-Spears R, Eckart M, Edgell D, Field J, Fittinghoff DN, Gatu Johnson M, Grim G, Guler N, Haan S, Hamza A, Hartouni EP, Hatarik R, Herrmann HW, Hinkel D, Hoover D, Huang H, Izumi N, Khan S, Kozioziemski B, Kroll J, Ma T, MacPhee A, McNaney J, Merrill F, Moody J, Nikroo A, Patel P, Robey HF, Rygg JR, Sater J, Sayre D, Schneider M, Sepke S, Stadermann M, Stoeffl W, Thomas C, Town RP, Volegov PL, Wild C, Wilde C, Woerner E, Yeamans C, Yoxall B, Kilkenny J, Landen OL, Hsing W, Edwards MJ. Berzak Hopkins LF, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2015 May 1;114(17):175001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.175001. Epub 2015 Apr 29. Phys Rev Lett. 2015. PMID: 25978240 Free article.
Demonstration of High Performance in Layered Deuterium-Tritium Capsule Implosions in Uranium Hohlraums at the National Ignition Facility.
Döppner T, Callahan DA, Hurricane OA, Hinkel DE, Ma T, Park HS, Berzak Hopkins LF, Casey DT, Celliers P, Dewald EL, Dittrich TR, Haan SW, Kritcher AL, MacPhee A, Le Pape S, Pak A, Patel PK, Springer PT, Salmonson JD, Tommasini R, Benedetti LR, Bond E, Bradley DK, Caggiano J, Church J, Dixit S, Edgell D, Edwards MJ, Fittinghoff DN, Frenje J, Gatu Johnson M, Grim G, Hatarik R, Havre M, Herrmann H, Izumi N, Khan SF, Kline JL, Knauer J, Kyrala GA, Landen OL, Merrill FE, Moody J, Moore AS, Nikroo A, Ralph JE, Remington BA, Robey HF, Sayre D, Schneider M, Streckert H, Town R, Turnbull D, Volegov PL, Wan A, Widmann K, Wilde CH, Yeamans C. Döppner T, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Jul 31;115(5):055001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.055001. Epub 2015 Jul 28. Phys Rev Lett. 2015. PMID: 26274424 Free article.
Improved Performance of High Areal Density Indirect Drive Implosions at the National Ignition Facility using a Four-Shock Adiabat Shaped Drive.
Casey DT, Milovich JL, Smalyuk VA, Clark DS, Robey HF, Pak A, MacPhee AG, Baker KL, Weber CR, Ma T, Park HS, Döppner T, Callahan DA, Haan SW, Patel PK, Peterson JL, Hoover D, Nikroo A, Yeamans CB, Merrill FE, Volegov PL, Fittinghoff DN, Grim GP, Edwards MJ, Landen OL, Lafortune KN, MacGowan BJ, Widmayer CC, Sayre DB, Hatarik R, Bond EJ, Nagel SR, Benedetti LR, Izumi N, Khan S, Bachmann B, Spears BK, Cerjan CJ, Gatu Johnson M, Frenje JA. Casey DT, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Sep 4;115(10):105001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.105001. Epub 2015 Sep 1. Phys Rev Lett. 2015. PMID: 26382681 Free article.
Generation and Beaming of Early Hot Electrons onto the Capsule in Laser-Driven Ignition Hohlraums.
Dewald EL, Hartemann F, Michel P, Milovich J, Hohenberger M, Pak A, Landen OL, Divol L, Robey HF, Hurricane OA, Döppner T, Albert F, Bachmann B, Meezan NB, MacKinnon AJ, Callahan D, Edwards MJ. Dewald EL, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2016 Feb 19;116(7):075003. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.075003. Epub 2016 Feb 17. Phys Rev Lett. 2016. PMID: 26943541
Fusion Energy Output Greater than the Kinetic Energy of an Imploding Shell at the National Ignition Facility.
Le Pape S, Berzak Hopkins LF, Divol L, Pak A, Dewald EL, Bhandarkar S, Bennedetti LR, Bunn T, Biener J, Crippen J, Casey D, Edgell D, Fittinghoff DN, Gatu-Johnson M, Goyon C, Haan S, Hatarik R, Havre M, Ho DD, Izumi N, Jaquez J, Khan SF, Kyrala GA, Ma T, Mackinnon AJ, MacPhee AG, MacGowan BJ, Meezan NB, Milovich J, Millot M, Michel P, Nagel SR, Nikroo A, Patel P, Ralph J, Ross JS, Rice NG, Strozzi D, Stadermann M, Volegov P, Yeamans C, Weber C, Wild C, Callahan D, Hurricane OA. Le Pape S, et al. Among authors: pak a. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Jun 15;120(24):245003. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.245003. Phys Rev Lett. 2018. PMID: 29956968
266 results