Contributions of common genetic variants to risk of schizophrenia among individuals of African and Latino ancestry.
Bigdeli TB, Genovese G, Georgakopoulos P, Meyers JL, Peterson RE, Iyegbe CO, Medeiros H, Valderrama J, Achtyes ED, Kotov R, Stahl EA, Abbott C, Azevedo MH, Belliveau RA, Bevilacqua E, Bromet EJ, Byerley W, Carvalho CB, Chapman SB, DeLisi LE, Dumont AL, O'Dushlaine C, Evgrafov OV, Fochtmann LJ, Gage D, Kennedy JL, Kinkead B, Macedo A, Moran JL, Morley CP, Dewan MJ, Nemesh J, Perkins DO, Purcell SM, Rakofsky JJ, Scolnick EM, Sklar BM, Sklar P, Smoller JW, Sullivan PF, Macciardi F, Marder SR, Gur RC, Gur RE, Braff DL; Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia (COGS) Investigators; Nicolini H, Escamilla MA, Vawter MP, Sobell JL, Malaspina D, Lehrer DS, Buckley PF, Rapaport MH, Knowles JA; Genomic Psychiatry Cohort (GPC) Consortium; Fanous AH, Pato MT, McCarroll SA, Pato CN.
Bigdeli TB, et al. Among authors: escamilla ma.
Mol Psychiatry. 2020 Oct;25(10):2455-2467. doi: 10.1038/s41380-019-0517-y. Epub 2019 Oct 7.
Mol Psychiatry. 2020.
PMID: 31591465
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