Haplo-cord transplantation using CD34+ cells from a third-party donor to speed engraftment in high-risk patients with hematologic disorders.
Kwon M, Bautista G, Balsalobre P, Sánchez-Ortega I, Serrano D, Anguita J, Buño I, Fores R, Regidor C, García Marco JA, Vilches C, de Pablo R, Fernández MN, Gayoso J, Duarte R, Díez-Martín JL, Cabrera R.
Kwon M, et al. Among authors: diez martin jl.
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 Dec;20(12):2015-22. doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2014.08.024. Epub 2014 Sep 22.
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014.
PMID: 25255162
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