Characteristics of Four Upward-Pointing Cosmic-Ray-like Events Observed with ANITA.
Gorham PW, Nam J, Romero-Wolf A, Hoover S, Allison P, Banerjee O, Beatty JJ, Belov K, Besson DZ, Binns WR, Bugaev V, Cao P, Chen C, Chen P, Clem JM, Connolly A, Dailey B, Deaconu C, Cremonesi L, Dowkontt PF, DuVernois MA, Field RC, Fox BD, Goldstein D, Gordon J, Hast C, Hebert CL, Hill B, Hughes K, Hupe R, Israel MH, Javaid A, Kowalski J, Lam J, Learned JG, Liewer KM, Liu TC, Link JT, Lusczek E, Matsuno S, Mercurio BC, Miki C, Miočinović P, Mottram M, Mulrey K, Naudet CJ, Ng J, Nichol RJ, Palladino K, Rauch BF, Reil K, Roberts J, Rosen M, Rotter B, Russell J, Ruckman L, Saltzberg D, Seckel D, Schoorlemmer H, Stafford S, Stockham J, Stockham M, Strutt B, Tatem K, Varner GS, Vieregg AG, Walz D, Wissel SA, Wu F; ANITA Collaboration.
Gorham PW, et al. Among authors: beatty jj.
Phys Rev Lett. 2016 Aug 12;117(7):071101. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.071101. Epub 2016 Aug 8.
Phys Rev Lett. 2016.
PMID: 27563945