Creation and pilot test results of the dermatology-specific proxy instrument: the Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life.
Chernyshov PV, Boffa MJ, Corso R, Pustišek N, Marinovic B, Manolache L, Salavastru CM, Tiplica GS, Kakourou T, Alexopoulos A, Nasi L, Wojciechowska-Zdrojowy M, Seniuta J, Szepietowski JC, Erkens A, Fölster-Holst R, Sampogna F, Chernyshov AV, Jemec GB, Esmann S, Mazereeuw-Hautier J, Merlos M, Tomas-Aragones L, Marron SE.
Chernyshov PV, et al. Among authors: tiplica gs.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2018 Dec;32(12):2288-2294. doi: 10.1111/jdv.15229. Epub 2018 Sep 14.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2018.
PMID: 30169902