Comprehensive control of human papillomavirus infections and related diseases.
Bosch FX, Broker TR, Forman D, Moscicki AB, Gillison ML, Doorbar J, Stern PL, Stanley M, Arbyn M, Poljak M, Cuzick J, Castle PE, Schiller JT, Markowitz LE, Fisher WA, Canfell K, Denny LA, Franco EL, Steben M, Kane MA, Schiffman M, Meijer CJ, Sankaranarayanan R, Castellsagué X, Kim JJ, Brotons M, Alemany L, Albero G, Diaz M, de Sanjosé S; authors of the ICO Monograph ‘Comprehensive Control of HPV Infections and Related Diseases’ Vaccine Volume 30, Supplement 5, 2012.
Bosch FX, et al. Among authors: de sanjose s.
Vaccine. 2013 Dec 29;31 Suppl 5:F1-31. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2013.10.001.
Vaccine. 2013.
PMID: 24331745