Randomized prevention trial for early conduct problems: effects on proactive parenting and links to toddler disruptive behavior.
Gardner F, Shaw DS, Dishion TJ, Burton J, Supplee L.
Gardner F, et al.
J Fam Psychol. 2007 Sep;21(3):398-406. doi: 10.1037/0893-3200.21.3.398.
J Fam Psychol. 2007.
PMID: 17874925
Clinical Trial.
This randomized trial with 120 low-income 2-year-old boys examined whether a brief family-centered intervention that reduces disruptive behavior (D. Shaw, T. Dishion, L. Supplee, F. Gardner, & K. Arnds, 2006) also leads to increases in proactive and positive par …
This randomized trial with 120 low-income 2-year-old boys examined whether a brief family-centered intervention that reduces disruptive beha …