Incidence and prognostic significance of thrombocytopenia in patients treated with prolonged heparin therapy.
Oliveira GB, Crespo EM, Becker RC, Honeycutt EF, Abrams CS, Anstrom KJ, Berger PB, Davidson-Ray LD, Eisenstein EL, Kleiman NS, Moliterno DJ, Moll S, Rice L, Rodgers JE, Steinhubl SR, Tapson VF, Ohman EM, Granger CB; Complications After Thrombocytopenia Caused by Heparin (CATCH) Registry Investigators.
Oliveira GB, et al. Among authors: moll s.
Arch Intern Med. 2008 Jan 14;168(1):94-102. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2007.65.
Arch Intern Med. 2008.
PMID: 18195201