Temporomandibular Disorders Core Curriculum for Predoctoral Dental Education: Recommendations from the American Academy of Orofacial Pain.
AAOP Committee on TMD Predoctoral Education, Chen H, Fricton J, Cohen J, Cowley T, Dhadwal S, Fillingim RB, Guzman-Armstrong S, Hasel R, Hawkins J, Heir G, Holmes C, Jaiswal D, Jordan TB, Klasser G, Kurup S, Levy SM, Mackman J, Maloney G, McMahon S, Ohrbach R, Okeson JP, Prodoehl J, Sharma S, Yuan Y, Shaefer JR.
AAOP Committee on TMD Predoctoral Education, et al. Among authors: okeson jp.
J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 2021 Fall;35(4):271-277. doi: 10.11607/ofph.3073.
J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 2021.
PMID: 34990495
No abstract available.