Search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decays D+--> pi + micro+ micro- and D+--> pi +e+e-.
Aitala EM, Amato S, Anjos JC, Appel JA, Ashery D, Banerjee S, Bediaga I I, Blaylock G, Bracker SB, Burchat PR, Burnstein RA, Carter T, Carvalho HS, Costa I I, Cremaldi LM, Darling C, Denisenko K, Fernandez A, Gagnon P, Gerzon S, Gobel C, Gounder K, Granite D, Halling AM, Herrera G, Hurvits G, James C, Kasper PA, Kondakis N, Kwan S, Langs DC, Leslie J, Lichtenstadt J, Lundberg B, Manacero A, MayTal-Beck S, Meadows B, de Mello Neto JR, Milburn RH, de Miranda JM, Napier A, Nguyen A, d'Oliveira AB, O'Shaughnessy K, Peng KC, Perera LP, Purohit MV, Quinn B, Radeztsky S, Rafatian A, Reay NW, Reidy JJ, dos Reis AC, Rubin HA, Santha AK, Santoro AF, Schwartz AJ, Sheaff M, Sidwell RA, Slaughter AJ, Smith JG, Sokoloff MD, Stanton NR, Sugano K.
Aitala EM, et al. Among authors: cremaldi lm.
Phys Rev Lett. 1996 Jan 15;76(3):364-367. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.364.
Phys Rev Lett. 1996.
PMID: 10061438
No abstract available.