The quality of population-based cancer registries has been measured by the indices of the proportion of total incident cases (DCO%) registered by death certificate only (DCO), and the ratio of incidence to mortality (I/D ratio). Recently it has been recommended that DCO% should be used as an index for the reliability of diagnosing cancers and that the proportion of cases first notified via death certificate (DCN, DCN%) be used as an index for the completeness of registration. Parkin introduced a method to estimate the registration rate, the estimated proportion of the "true incidence" that are registered in population-based registries. We recommend a modified method for estimating the registration rate for cancer registries where DCN% is relatively high, as it is in Japan, as Parkin's method may overestimate the registration rate. The method is as follows: the registration rate = (1-DCN% x 1/D ratio)/(1-DCN%). The registration rates at the Osaka Cancer Registry between 1966 and 1992 were estimated using our method. During this period, the yearly registration rate was 74.6-78.4% for males and 69.1-73.3% for females. When the cancer cases were looked at according to site, the yearly registration rate was 74.2-81.6% for stomach cancer, 81.2-89.3% for lung cancer, and 71.3-76.9% for uterine cancer. These results show that the registration rate is high for cancers that have an unfavorable prognosis and low for cancers that have a favorable prognosis. We recommend that all cancer registries in Japan calculate the completeness of registration by utilizing DCN defined as the sum of DCO plus cases not reported as cancer but with supportive clinical information of such obtained through survey of the registry for DCN.