An epidemiologic profile revealed that approximately 1,000-1,600 persons in West Virginia are living with HIV, and that it is the 5th leading cause of death among persons ages 25-44. HIV is also the leading cause of death in black males ages 25-44 in WV, and blacks are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS (composing about 3.1% of the general population and 17% of the AIDS population). This is most marked in Kanawha, Raleigh, and McDowell counties. The predominant mode of exposure reported from 1984-1993, and more recently from 1991-1993, has been men having sex with men (MSM), accounting for 57% of all AIDS cases. A substantial proportion of all cases (13%) were attributed to injecting drug use (IDU), especially in Public Health District 1 where 63% of women infected with HIV reported IDU as a risk behavior. It is difficult to draw conclusions about populations at risk in WV because of the large proportion of HIV cases reported without risk behaviors (26.5%). However, among men, most cases initially reported without risk are eventually reclassified to the MSM and IDU categories. Among women, most cases first reported without risk are eventually changed to the IDU and heterosexual contact categories. Map analyses by Public Health District and county suggest some clustering of cases in the southern region of the state which may be secondary to racial/ethnic and sociodemographic factors.