Using a quantitative RNA-PCR approach tyrosine kinase receptor (trk) C mRNA levels were determined in brain material from the frontal cortex (BA10), temporal cortex (BA20) and cerebellum of control specimen and patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or non-psychotic depression (15 subjects each). In the frontal cortex of schizophrenics there was a 5.8-fold reduction of trk C mRNA levels, which reached statistical significance (P < 0.05). Trk C levels in the cerebellum were positively correlated with lifetime fluphenazine equivalents (r = 0.54), suggesting that neuroleptics influence TRK C gene activity in the cerebellum. Moreover, the distinct medication-independent reduction of trk C mRNA may point to a disturbed neurotrophic gene activity in the frontal cortex of schizophrenic patients.