Objective: To describe a European family with cortical tremor, epilepsy, and mental retardation, the pedigree of which indicates an autosomal dominant inheritance of the disease.
Design: Clinical, laboratory, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging data were studied.
Setting: Institute for research on mental retardation.
Patients: Two siblings (aged 25 and 28 years) and their 49-year-old mother had postural and action tremor, seizures, and mental retardation. Only tremor was present in the maternal grandmother (aged 68 years). The electroencephalogram showed diffuse spike-and-wave complexes and/or posterior spikes, and a photoparoxysmal response in the 4 subjects. The typical electrophysiologic features of cortical reflex myoclonus, such as giant somatosensory evoked potentials, enhancement of the C-reflex, and jerk-locked premyoclonus spikes, were found in all patients.
Conclusion: This syndrome may represent a specific form of familial cortical tremor with a benign form of epilepsy and a new genetic model of cortical hyperexcitability inherited with an autosomal dominant mechanism.