A syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacterium, strain MPOBT, was isolated from a culture enriched from anaerobic granular sludge. It oxidized propionate syntrophically in co-culture with the hydrogen- and formate-utilizing Methanospirillum hungateii, and was able to oxidize propionate and other organic compounds in pure culture with sulfate or fumarate as the electron acceptor. Additionally, it fermented fumarate. 16S rRNA sequence analysis revealed a relationship with Syntrophobacter wolinii and Syntrophobacter pfennigii. The G + C content of its DNA was 60.6 mol%, which is in the same range as that of other Syntrophobacter species. DNA-DNA hybridization studies showed less than 26% hybridization among the different genomes of Syntrophobacter species and strain MPOBT. This justifies the assignment of strain MPOBT to the genus Syntrophobacter as a new species. The name Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans is proposed; strain MPOBT (= DSM 10017T) is the type strain.