Introduction: We present a case history of a 39 years old woman with parieto-apical left ventricle aneurysm of unknown etiology. The etiologies are being discussed in the light of our case and literature review.
Methods: We have analysed clinical data, 12 leads ECG recording, chest X-ray and biological data of our patient. We have used an ATL MK 600 for echo-Doppler examination. Coronaro-ventriculography has not been performed. The results are compared with data from the relevant literature.
Results: Our patient presents at admission tachycardia (150 beat per min) and congestive heart failure. ECG recording showed a sustained tachycardia with large QRS complex (140 msec). At oesophageal ECG recording, atrio-ventricular dissociation was present confirming ventricular tachycardia. The tachycardia has been stopped by lidocaine and amiodarone IV. Chest X-ray shows cardiomegaly (cardio-thoracic index: 0.70) and a protruding left cardiac border. At echocardiographic examination a left dyskinetic anterior and apical aneurysm of the left ventricle has been documented. Surgical repair has not been performed because of the large aneurysm and the reduced function of the non aneurysmal contractile zones.
Conclusion: In our case, myocardial infarction was not evident, regarding history and examinations. In the etiologic discussion of left ventricle aneurysms, coronaro-ventriculography must be performed. Dilated cardiomyopathy complicated by left ventricle aneurysm can be postulated in our patient.