1H double-quantum (DQ) solid-state NMR spectroscopy under fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) is introduced as a new spectroscopic tool for the investigation of the structure and local chain dynamics of elastomers. Dipolar connectivities between the protons of the various functional groups can be directly established from the highly resolved DQ solid-state NMR spectra as is shown for a series of cross-linked poly(styrene-co-butadiene). More quantitatively, residual dipolar couplings within and between the functional groups are evaluated selectively from the build-up curves of the double-quantum signals in the limit of the spin-pair approximation. In particular, the CH-CH and the CH2-CH couplings of butadiene, which both act predominantly along the chain-segment direction, have been measured relative to the CH2 coupling. The total build-up intensity is correlated with the cross-link density.