The potential of heteronuclear ¿1H-13C¿ cross polarization was studied for optimization of the signal-to-noise ratio in in vivo 13C MR spectroscopy at the clinical field strength of 1.5 T. Experiments on the human calf showed a significant chemical-shift selective signal enhancement on triglyceride signals of 3.9 by heteronuclear cross polarization, compared to a standard pulse-acquire sequence. Studies on a neonatal piglet brain showed an enhancement by cross polarization of 2.2 for the detection of 13C-1-glucose. This enhancement allowed a fourfold improvement in time resolution in dynamic 13C MR of 13C-1-glucose inflow in piglet brain. Phantom experiments demonstrated the efficiency of this technique for interleaved detection of two spectral regions. Tests with a volume coil showed the feasibility of signal enhancement by cross polarization over a large volume of interest.
Copyright 1998 Academic Press.