Measles incidence is at a nadir in many parts of the world due to vaccination efforts. Although the technical feasibility of eradication has been acknowledged, financial and political commitment need to be concomitantly identified on the national and global level. We demonstrate the potential value of measles eradication by identifying the potential cost-savings to one country resulting from measles eradication. For the US, measles eradication would save $45 million annually. If achieved by the year 2010, the US would save $500 million to $4.1 billion depending on the year of elimination, post-eradication schedule and discount rate. Intensification of measles control efforts in the US beyond current levels would have minimal marginal benefits on disease burden reduction. Allocation of resources to achieve global measles eradication is the next level of efficiency which would provide substantial savings. Countries may adapt this model to estimate their savings for consideration of the required political and financial contribution towards a global measles eradication program.