Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe the implication of the different health care structures in the treatment of breast cancer.
Methods: In Côte-d'Or, from 1982 to 1992, there were 2432 cases of breast cancer. Surgery came first as treatment for 93% of the patients, radiotherapy came second (77%). The department is subdivided in several geographic areas (ZPIU):--Dijon, equipped with university hospital (UH) and with private hospitals (PH),--cities with general hospitals (GH)--and areas without hospitals. Demographic, geographic and clinical variables were studied in order to explain the patient distribution between the various hospitals.
Results: 52% of the cases were operated in PH, 37% in UH and 11% in GH. The main users of the GH were women who lived nearby. Age over 75 was associated with a treatment in GH. Women with clinical signs of severity were twice as often operated in UH rather than PH. Post-operative radiotherapy was done in 95% of the cases in the same structure where surgery was done.
Conclusion: No matter how popular university and private hospitals were in our regional capital, general hospitals played a proximity role.