Recent molecular studies have noted the affinity among cephalochordates and vertebrates. In particular, a cluster of vertebrate-like homeobox genes regulates the development of the lancelet Branchiostoma lanceolatum. A previous study has outlined the expression pattern of the pituitary-specific transcription factor Pit-1 in adult lancelets. Pit-1 belongs to the POU family of transcription factors, which, like homeotic proteins, are members of the helix-turn-helix superfamily of proteins. POU is an acronym for Pit-1, Oct-1 and Oct-2, and Unc-86. In the present work, we investigated the head region of premetamorphic larvae of B. lanceolatum, by means of scanning electron microscopy, wholemount and tissue sections immunocytochemistry, and Western blotting assay, to verify the presence and distribution of Pit-1. Immunoreactive Pit-1 protein was detected in the rostral nerves and in a cluster of photoreceptor cells of the frontal eye. At the same time, an electrophoretic band of 33 kDa was shown from extracts of premetamorphic larvae and recognized by a monoclonal antibody to rat Pit-1. On the basis of the immunocytochemical and electrophoretic results, we can assume that Pit-1 may play a neuromodulatory role in the larval central nervous system. Moreover, the spatial and temporal distribution of Pit-1 protein in larva and adult lancelets agrees only in part with that described in embryonic and adult mice, suggesting different molecular controls of regional identity in the nervous system of cephalochordates and vertebrates.