Dynamic magnetic resonance dacryocystography (MRD) was implemented using 1.5T superconductive imager with a standard head coil. Prior to MRD, a pair of polyethylene microcatheters were inserted into the lower lacrimal canaliculi. Injecting a mixture of 6 ml of saline and 4 ml of xylocaine (0.5%) as a substitute for contrast medium, repeated measurement of thick section heavily T2 weighted image using half Fourier single shot fast spin echo (SSFSE) sequence was performed. MRD could well depict the pathologies of the lacrimal sac and the lacrimal duct in five cases of epiphora. It pinpointed the level of lacrimal duct obstruction, which was confirmed by both X-ray dacryocystography and intraoperative findings. Dynamic MRD is a reliable method of diagnosing nasolacrimal duct obstruction without using ionizing radiation or chemical contrast medium.