Based on the belief that structural optimization methods, producing structures more closely to the experimental ones, should give better, i.e. more relevant, steric fields and hence more predictive CoMFA models, comparative molecular field analyses of artemisinin derivatives were performed based on semiempirical AM1 and HF/3-21G optimized geometries. Using these optimized geometries, the CoMFA results derived from the HF/3-21G method are found to be usually but not drastically better than those from AM1. Additional calculations were performed to investigate the electrostatic field difference using the Gasteiger and Marsili charges, the electrostatic potential fit charges at the AM1 level, and the natural population analysis charges at the HF/3-21G level of theory. For the HF/3-21G optimized structures no difference in predictability was observed, whereas for AM1 optimized structures such differences were found. Interestingly, if ionic compounds are omitted, differences between the various HF/3-21G optimized structure models using these electrostatic fields were found.