Objective: The aim of our study was to determine if the assessment of pulmonary vascularization by energy color Doppler during ultrasound examination can predict the absence of pulmonary hypoplasia before birth in situations where it is a high risk.
Methods: In a prospective study of 12 pregnancies presenting a risk of pulmonary hypoplasia (5 early and prolonged premature ruptures of the membranes, 1 diaphragmatic hernia, 1 chylothorax, 1 pulmonary sequestration, 1 omphalocele, 1 anamnios and 2 Potter's syndromes) energy color Doppler was used to visualize pulmonary vascularization.
Results: In 10 cases where pulmonary vascularization could be visualized, none of the infants had pulmonary hypoplasia. In the 2 cases of Potter's syndrome where pulmonary vascularization was not visualized there was a pulmonary hypoplasia.
Conclusion: The visualization of fetal pulmonary vascularization with energy color Doppler in situations with a high risk of pulmonary hypoplasia can predict the absence of severe pulmonary hypoplasia.