In the present work constitutive progesterone receptor (PR) expression in the chicken bursa of Fabricius was detected in the stromal, smooth muscle and follicular medullary cells and smooth muscle cells of blood vessels. PR expression was increased during sexual maturation and after estrogen treatment. Bursal medullary PR-positive cells were further characterized to be B-lymphocytes by flow cytometric analysis. In addition, estrogen induced expression of PR in the bursal FAE-cells (follicle-associated epithelial cells). In the thymus PR was expressed constitutively in the connective tissue cells of the capsule and interfollicular septa, in a few medullary cells and in vascular smooth muscle. The PR-positive medullary cells consisted of epithelial cells, large polygonal cells resembling macrophages and plasma cells. T-lymphocytes were PR-negative. Estrogen up-regulated PR expression in the thymus. Immunoblotting studies revealed that both isoforms of PR, i.e. PR-A and PR-B, were expressed in the bursa of Fabricius and thymus with PR-B dominance. These results suggest that the chicken primary lymphoid organs bursa and thymus are under regulation of estrogen and progesterone. Expression of PR in B-lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells in the chicken is documented for the first time and suggests evidence for direct action of progesterone on immune responses.