Multistage cluster analyses with replications were used to sort score profiles of 252 methadone maintained men on 4 continuous measures of antisociality--childhood conduct disorder and adult antisocial personality disorder symptoms, the revised Psychopathy Checklist, and the Socialization scale of the California Psychological Inventory. The analysis yielded 6 replicable and temporally stable cluster groups varying in degree and pattern of antisociality. The groups were statistically compared on sets of external criterion variables--Addiction Severity Index measures of past and recent substance abuse and functioning and lifetime criminal history. Axis I and II symptomatology, anxiety and depression, object relations and reality testing, hostility, guilt, and machiavellianism. The expression of antisociality in the 6 groups and differences found among them on the external variables supported the validity of a more complex conceptualization of antisociality than is provided by antisocial personality disorder.