The disease course of six tibial lesions in five patients with osteofibrous dysplasia who were followed longer than 10 years (average: 16.8 years) was analyzed retrospectively. Three patients had a lesion of the unilateral tibia; one patient had lesions of the unilateral tibia and fibula; and one patient had lesions of the bilateral tibiae and ulnae. Curettage and autogeneic bone graft were performed on two lesions, which then healed. Of four lesions on which curettage and xenogeneic bone grafts were performed, three lesions healed, and one developed local recurrence. Curettage and xenogeneic bone graft were performed on the recurrent lesion, which finally healed and the deformity stopped. Three lesions healed without surgical treatment. During the long-term follow-up, this disease showed a clear tendency of healing. Surgical treatment should be considered in patients with disease uncontrollable by conservative treatment or those who have a high possibility of impending fracture and progressing deformity.