Since two years, 80 patients received methadone maintenance treatment in Bayonne Médecins du Monde Center. In this population, 48% are HIV positive... The aim of this study is to determine the impact of methadone maintenance treatment on the medical status of a group of HIV positive subjects. In addition to the Addiction Severity Index collected data and quality of life evaluation by the TEAQV, the following data are collected: compliance to appointments HIV clinic, CD4 status, evolution of weight, observance of HIV medicine. Preliminary results are presented, showing precisely and confirming the good influence of methadone maintenance treatment on medical care of patients with HIV and AIDS. This kind of study, before and during the maintenance treatment (base line, third month and every six months) appears as a very important stake: for this patients with HIV and AIDS, in term of personal and medical status, for us, in term of methadone treatment impact, and health public care.