A random-digit dialed telephone survey was conducted in a traditionally conservative southern state to determine the level of support for sexuality education in the public schools including support for specific sexuality education topics, the earliest grade level at which each topic should be taught, and the amount of instruction time required for sexuality education in the high schools. Survey data were obtained from 534 South Carolina registered voters in late January/early February 1997. Results demonstrated that most South Carolina registered voters: 1) supported sexuality education in the public schools; 2) supported instruction on a variety of sexuality education topics; 3) supported instruction at all grade levels, especially beginning in middle school; and 4) believed instruction time for sexuality education in the high schools should either remain the same or be increased. In addition, a significant increase in support for sexuality education occurred from the beginning of the survey to the end, suggesting that the instrument itself may have served as an educational tool for respondents. The characteristics of registered voters who supported sexuality education at the beginning of the survey and at the end were examined and compared. These results may assist in the development of educational and marketing strategies designed to build support for school-based sexuality education programs in South Carolina and elsewhere.