An extensive body of data supports a relation between acute exposures to ambient ozone and the occurrence of various acute respiratory symptoms and changes in measures of lung function. In contrast, relatively few data are available on the human health effects that result from long-term exposure to ambient ozone, Current efforts to study long-term ozone-related health effects are limited by the methods available for ascertaining lifetime exposures to ozone. The present feasibility study was undertaken as part of the Health Effects Institute's Environmental Epidemiology Planning Project (Health Effects Institute 1994) to (1) determine whether, in the context of an epidemiologic study, reliable estimates can be obtained for lifetime exposures to ozone by combining estimates from lifetime residential histories, typical activity patterns during life, and residence-specific ambient ozone monitoring data; (2) identify the minimum data required to produce reliable estimates of lifetime exposure; and (3) analyze the relations between various estimates of lifetime ozone exposure and measures of lung function. A convenience sample of 175 first-year students at the University of California, Berkeley, who lived all of their lives in selected areas of California (the Los Angeles Basin or the San Francisco Bay Area), were studied on two occasions (test and retest or test sessions 1 and 2), five to seven days apart. Residential and lifestyle data were obtained from a questionnaire: residence-based ambient ozone exposure values were assigned by interpolation of ambient ozone monitoring data to residential locations. Estimated lifetime exposure was based on average ozone levels between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. and hours of exposure to ozone concentrations greater than 60 parts per billion (ppb). "Effective" lifetime exposure to ozone was based on a weighted average of estimated time spent in different ambient ozone environments as determined by different combinations of activity data. Pulmonary function was evaluated with flows and volumes from maximum expiratory flow-volume curves and slope of phase III of the single-breath nitrogen washout (SBNW) curves. Although the test-retest reliability of the residential history was acceptably high only for first and second residences, most of the unreliability for other residences came from residences occupied for relatively short durations. Therefore, the test-retest reliability of estimated lifetime exposure to ozone was high, with intraclass correlations greater than 0.90 for all approaches evaluated. Multiple, linear regression analyses showed a consistently negative relation between estimates of lifetime exposure to ozone and flows that reflect the physiology of pulmonary small airways. No relation was observed between lifetime ozone exposure and forced expiratory volume or the slope of phase III, and the relation between lifetime exposure and forced expiratory volume in one second was inconsistent. The results of the flow measures were unaffected by the method used to estimate lifetime exposure and gave effect estimates that were nearly identical. The data from this study indicate that useful and reproducible estimates of lifetime ozone exposure can be obtained in epidemiologic studies by using a residential history. However, the total burden of ozone to which the subjects were exposed cannot be determined accurately from such data. Nonetheless, the estimates so obtained appear to be associated with alterations in pulmonary function that are consistent with the predicted site of maximum effect of ozone in the human lung.