In order to sum up the experience of transsphenoidal resection of pituitary tumors, 60 cases operated between 1984 and 1995 were reviewed. The operation was performed via a columella nasi "V" incision and transseptal-sphenoidal approach. 0 degree and 30 degrees endoscopes were used in 16 cases and the cryotherapy was used to destroy the remnant tumor cells in 51 cases. The duration of freezing was only one minute each time and it was repeated once again after thawing. The advantages of this method were as follows: (1) wider operative field and better illumination; (2) magnified operative pictures and TV monitoring; (3) wide and changeable visual angle; (4) lack of complications such as hemorrhage, optic nerve injury, permanent diabetes insipidus. The proper applications of endoscopy and cryosurgery were recommended for transsphenoidal removal of pituitary tumors.