Presently genetic analyses for thalassemia types require relatively large amounts of heparinized blood (5 to 10 ml), and transport as well as degeneration of these sample is a problem in the developing world. We have developed a new method to simplify this procedure and obtain DNAs from small specimens. As experimental materials, thinly smeared blood on a glass slide or blood filtered with and adhered on polysthylene telephtalate (PST) fibers were used. These materials could be safely stored without interfering with DNA extraction for up to 3 months. The slide materials were digested with proteinase K, and DNA was extracted with Tris-EDTA-phenol:chloroform and precipitated with absolute ethanol. The PST specimens were washed with physiologic saline and treated in the same manner as described above. Products were easily amplified by PCR and digested with restriction endonucleases for beta thalassemia typing as well as for HLA-DQA1 gene typing. Results obtained by this method correlated well with previously reported incidences for thalassemia and HLA-DQA1 types in Thailand. This method can be used in the routine laboratory because it allows for stable and biosafe genetic analyses.