A cDNA clone was isolated by differential colony hybridization from a cDNA library prepared from life-extended SV40-transformed human fibroblasts. The clone, tentatively named N-10, was 1272 bp in length coding for 232 amino acids. Northern analysis revealed that the expression level of N-10 was increased in normal senescent and life-extended SV40-transformed fibroblasts than in their young counterparts but was not enhanced by growth arrest. The protein fused to GFP (green fluorescent protein) localized in cytoplasmic granule. Enforced expression of N-10 resulted in premature senescence in young fibroblasts. The deduced amino acid sequence of N-10 was identical to the recently reported hVti1 gene except in one amino acid: Asp24(GAC) was ours and Asn24 (AAC) was reported. Additional base differences were found, so we referred to our sequence as the hVti1 homologue. As hVti1 protein was suggested to be involved in the vesicle transport process, the homologue may be concerned with increased secretion of extracellular matrix and various cytokines associated with cellular senescence.