Objective: To demonstrate the efficacy of Zamboni's solution and storage medium for immunocytochemistry of Ki-67, p53 tumor suppressor gene product and CD3 on long-preserved, air-dried cytologic specimens.
Study design: Air-dried imprint cytologic specimens obtained from 13 lymphatic tissues and 13 colorectal cancers were fixed with Zamboni's solution and stored for various periods in storage medium including 50% glycerol at -10 to -20 degree C. Mouse monoclonal antibody PC, PAb 1801 and anti-Leu-4 were used for immunostaining.
Results: Immunocytochemical identification of Ki-67, p53 and CD3 was possible on specimens stored for 36, 32 and 16 weeks, respectively.
Conclusion: Our method, using Zamboni's solution and storage medium, is feasible for immunocytochemistry on long-preserved, air-dried cytologic specimens using the three antibodies were employed.