Chicken heterophils activated in vivo following the intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of Salmonella enteritidis-immune T lymphokines (SE-ILK) have been implicated in the protection against SE organ invasion. SE-ILK induces a heterophilia and directly (or indirectly) activates the granulocytes. The invasion of SE provides the secondary signal for directing activated heterophils to the site of bacterial invasion. We examined the mechanism of adherence within the avian heterophil system using an in vitro bovine serum albumin (BSA) matrix in which neutrophil adherence is primarily CD11/CD18 integrin mediated in mammalian systems. Activated heterophils displayed a four-fold increase in receptor-mediated adherence in vitro to BSA-coated slides as compared to control heterophils from PBS-injected birds. The increased adherence of activated heterophils can be partially blocked by either anti-alpha M (CD11b) or anti-beta 2 (CD18) antibodies in a dose dependent manner. Anti-alpha 3 (CD49c) antibody partially blocked adherence of both normal and activated cells. Fluorescence-activated cell scanning (FACS) analysis of the heterophils shows that both control and SE-ILK-activated heterophils collected at 4 h post injection with SE-ILK or PBS display similar amounts of integrin alpha 3 on their surface. This integrin is constitutively expressed and is responsible for the in vitro adherence of both groups. However, antibodies to the Mac-1 complex (CD11b/CD18) block only the adherence of SE-ILK-stimulated heterophils. Thus, the CD11b/CD18 heterodimer is apparently up regulated in response to the injected SE-ILK and plays a major role in the adherence of activated heterophils. Our studies in chickens parallel human and mouse studies showing the importance of the beta 2 integrins in adherence of activated cells.