The adjuvant activity of poly[di(carboxylatophenoxy)phosphazene] (PCPP) on the immunogenicity of formalin-inactivated influenza virions and commercial trivalent influenza vaccine was studied. Regardless of which antigen preparation is used, the addition of 100 micrograms PCPP enhances the HAI antibody response 10-fold over the levels elicited by the vaccine alone. Similarly, PCPP enhanced the IgM, IgG, and IgG1 ELISA antibody titers to influenza antigens at least 10-fold higher than the vaccine alone. In contrast, the IgG2a isotype titers were only enhanced about 2-fold. Immunization of aged mice (22 months old) with trivalent influenza vaccine alone did not sero-convert these mice as measured by HAI or ELISA whereas significant sero-conversion was achieved when mice were immunized with PCPP-formulated trivalent vaccine. The adjuvant activity of PCPP was shown to not be due to a site of injection depot effect. PCPP adjuvanticity was positively correlated to the molecular weight of the polymer.