Bothrojaracin (BJC) is a potent thrombin inhibitor isolated from the venom of Bothrops jararaca. Venoms from individual snakes have been shown to vary in BJC content, and more than one molecular variant (isoform) has been identified in the same venom. In order to determine whether the production of this protein and its isoforms varies under seasonally invariant conditions, an analysis was made of BJC isolated from venoms collected individually once a month for 10 months from two female B. jararaca snakes kept under conditions of constant temperature and photoperiod. The crude venom from each individual snake exhibited a characteristic pattern of protein bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), with no noticeable variation throughout the collecting period. BJC from individual venoms was purified by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 followed by an affinity column (PPACK-thrombin Sepharose). BJC content and other activities such as phospholipase A2, azocaseinolytic activity and inhibition of thrombin-induced platelet aggregation varied considerably among the samples. Purified BJC from both snakes inhibited fibrin coagulation and migrated as a single band of 27,000 mol. wt on SDS-PAGE. However, the BJC pattern on non-denaturing PAGE differed between the two snakes, with four to six bands per sample each month, which were all recognized by polyclonal anti-BJC antibodies. The isoelectric focusing pattern of BJC was also characteristic for each snake, with only minor differences throughout the collecting period. These results indicate that under seasonally invariant conditions: (1) there was a considerable variation over the 10-month period in the production of BJC and other important venom activities such as phospholipase A2 and proteinases; (2) individual B. jararaca snakes produced a distinctive array of BJC isoforms; and (3) despite quantitative differences, there were essentially no qualitative differences in the production of BJC isoforms by individual snakes during the 10-month period.