Paclitaxel is one of the most active chemotherapy agents for the treatment of ovarian and other gynecologic cancers. Hypersensitivity reactions (HSR) remain one of the major clinical concerns in the use of paclitaxel. This report deals with 183 consecutive patients treated with paclitaxel chemotherapy. A total of 1010 cycles were administered. Premedication consisted of single-dose intravenous decadron, benadryl, and cimetidine administered immediately prior to chemotherapy. Four hypersensitivity reactions occurred. All patients recovered uneventfully from these reactions. Two of these patients received additional oral decadron followed by the standard premedication and were successfully retreated with multiple courses of paclitaxel therapy without reaction. Our findings confirm other reports that paclitaxel chemotherapy hypersensitivity reactions can be decreased with a single-dose intravenous decadron premedication regimen and that patients who do have paclitaxel HSRs may be safely retreated with paclitaxel.
Copyright 1998 Academic Press.