To investigate the possible involvement of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) in acute hypotension during maintenance hemodialysis, we measured the plasma concentration of the nitrate anion NO3-, a stable metabolite of NO, in 19 patients undergoing hemodialysis. We analyzed heart rate variability to estimate the relationship between autonomic nervous activity and NO production, low-frequency/high-frequency components (L/H) as a parameter of cardiac sympathetic activity, and high-frequency power as a parameter of cardiac vagal activity. Six patients developed severe hypotension (a change in mean blood pressure during dialysis > or = 20 mm Hg), four patients developed mild hypotension (a change in mean blood pressure < or = 19 mm Hg and > or = 1 mm Hg), and nine patients did not develop hypotension. The plasma levels of NO3- before dialysis were markedly elevated in the severely hypotensive group compared with the patients who showed no hypotension (566+/-122 micromol/L v 133+/-38 micromol/L; P < 0.01), and this difference disappeared midhemodialysis and after hemodialysis. The plasma concentration of NO3- before dialysis was significantly associated with both the change in mean blood pressure during dialysis (r= -0.735; P = 0.003) and the mean blood pressure after dialysis (r = -0.675; P = 0.0015). The L/H ratio was inhibited before or after dialysis in the severely hypotensive group compared with the nonhypotensive group, and hypotension during dialysis was correlated with the inhibited L/H ratio before (r = 0.784; P = 0.001) or after (r = 0.822; P = 0.001) dialysis. Plasma NO3- concentrations were correlated with the L/H ratio before (r = -0.553; P = .014) or after (r = -0.546; P = 0.015) dialysis. These results suggest that inhibited sympathetic activity is one of the causes of acute hypotension during dialysis, and the enhanced production of NO is involved in this inhibition of the sympathetic activity in patients having a hypotensive episode during dialysis. The plasma concentration of NO3- before dialysis may be a predictor of the risk of hypotension during dialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease.