Background: Gastrointestinal (GIT) diseases are a common cause of metabolic bone changes. The aim of the study was to indicate GIT diseases (lactose intolerance, non-lactose intolerance, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, pancreatic insufficiency, states after gastric resection, chronic diseases of the liver, and coeliac disease) by means of literature data and the authors' own results coinciding with the detected low bone density and thus increased risk of fracture. Bone changes coinciding with GIT diseases are frequent and are commonly asymptomatic for a long period.
Conclusion: In coincidence with GIT diseases the authors indicate the necessity of being aware of the risk of bone changes development and to investigate them actively. An early diagnosis aids to introduce preventive and therapeutical measures and to halt or at least slow down the origin of bone changes. (Ref. 21.)