Background and hypothesis: Recent studies demonstrate the feasibility of coronary flow reserve measurements by transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) Doppler recordings of coronary sinus or left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery flow velocity for detecting stenoses of the LAD artery. This study compares coronary flow reserve measurements by Doppler TEE with thallium-201 (201Tl) single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in patients with proximal single-vessel LAD stenosis.
Methods: Nineteen patients with various degrees of LAD stenosis (mean area stenosis 71 +/- 24%; range 24-96%) were studied. Area stenosis by quantitative coronary angiography was < 75% in 7 patients and > 75% in 12 patients. Transesophageal LAD and coronary sinus Doppler measurements were performed at baseline and after intravenous dipyridamole. Coronary flow reserve was calculated as the ratio of hyperemic to baseline average peak velocities. Predefined coronary flow reserve cut-off values of 1.8 for the coronary sinus method and of 2.0 for the LAD method were used for diagnosis of significant LAD stenosis. Results were compared with qualitative 201Tl dipyridamole SPECT.
Results: Overall predictive accuracy for diagnosis of > 75% LAD stenosis was 79% for 201Tl SPECT, 77% for the transesophageal LAD and 79% for the transesophageal coronary sinus technique. Concordant results between 201Tl SPECT and the LAD and coronary sinus Doppler methods were observed in 79% and 71% of patients, respectively.
Conclusions: Thallium-201 SPECT and transesophageal Doppler assessment of coronary flow reserve have similar accuracy for diagnosing significant proximal LAD stenosis. Therefore, both transesophageal Doppler techniques might constitute another widely available, noninvasive method for assessment of left coronary artery disease, if disease location is proximal.