Optimal activation of T lymphocytes depends on TCR interaction with peptide/MHC complexes in conjunction with costimulatory signals, which are delivered by specialized cells called antigen-presenting-cells (APC). The population of APC is heterogeneous and includes dendritic cells, B cells and macrophages. The family of dendritic cells (DC) is widely distributed in tissues and plays a major role in the induction of primary T-dependent immune responses. The aim of this paper was to isolate and characterize dendritic cells from cattle. Two methods are described that have been used to isolate dendritic cells from bovine peripheral blood. One method involves sequential depletion of other cells, adherence and isolation of low buoyant density cells on Metrizamide column. The second involves enrichment of cells displaying receptors for plasma fibronectin, followed by adherence and separation on Metrizamide. Both preparations were characterized morphologically by flow cytometry and functionally. Both procedures produced enriched populations that did not express molecules typical of T cells (CD3, CD4, CD8, WC1), B cells (sIg, CD21) and monocytes (CD14, Fc gamma 2R). Procedure 2 yielded cells with a typical veiled DC morphology that were highly effective at stimulating allogeneic T cells. Procedure 1 yielded cells that did not have the veiled morphology and were less effective in the MLR which may represent a more immature stage.